A loveletter to my home
Through all the times, old, new and unseen,
Lay on the rock and under sky
What now is, and has always been
The misty stead, at the rest of wave.
Where oft' the playful swallow,
Growing tired of the tempest's test,
Can find a still and stoic place
A home, amongst its oaks and rest.
Where the plentiful fish of Aghayar
Having swam the seas of east and west
Can ever hide from spate and storm
A shallow haven, by Valeron's crest.
Where every man is noble
With right to fight and stand
From earth onto the earth
For noble is the land.
Where many a child of man
Who by land are made and fedd
In blessed groves of Valeron
Can lay their weary head.
And even though my path
Has seen me far away
To strange and hostile place afar
In heart and mind my land will stay
Through miles yet unaccounted
And years which make me grey
I know my home still waits for me
Until once more there leads my way.
Here the poem continues, with verses written at a later date
I know this land, the sky
As bright as I remembered
The clouds so white and pure,
upon it's waters rendered.
I know this smell of air
Like honey to my breast
The wind which combs my tangled hair
Where pleasant breeze has made its nest.
I know this song of winds,
The murmur of waters white
They welcome me with symphony
Now gone is sorrow, cold and blight.
Hear me home, oh land of mine
Your son has come from far apart
Made wiser now, by other lands
To delve again near home and heart.
And now that I am home
By mighty will or holy grace
I'm glad to swim your waters pure
And walk my final resting place.